Needle & Sharps Disposal Service
Our needle & sharps clearance service at a glance:
Needle sweeps
Sharps collection
Needle collection
Needle disposal
Clean & disinfection of contaminated area.
In addition our bulky waste clearance services we also provide a needle sweep / sharps collection service.
Normally these are intravenous needles, but they can be glass or anything that could cause injury through cutting / piercing skin.
It is imperative that any sightings of sharps should be reported immediately and disposed of by a trained professional. It is important to remember that disposing of needles, syringes and hypodermics in a public litter bin or in household waste is extremely dangerous.
Our service features include:
High risk infections from sharps eliminated
Disposal adheres to current legislation
Surrounding area decontaminated and cleaned
When removing potentially infectious syringes, needles and other sharps it is essential that the process is carried out safely using the correct needle sweep protection equipment and clothing.
Specialist Needle and Sharp Disposal Services
Needles, syringes and lancets are commonly known and referred to as sharps.
This type of waste is classed as clinical waste which means that a specialist collection and disposal will need to be arranged.
When clearing out void properties we often come across sharps and drug paraphernalia. Our specialist clearance teams are fully equipped and trained to deal with all situations from single needle collection to a property full of sharps.
Needle sweep services
If you are unsure if there is the presence of clinical waste when clearing out your property, one of the many services ClearJunk offer is a full site needle sweep.
Call our specialist waste team today on: 0800 4480183 for a needle sweep quote.
Why use ClearJunk?
Needles can cause injuries to you or other people because they are sharp and once used they also carry fluids from bodies such as blood.
Used needles can carry infections such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C or Hepatitis B and can pass this infection on to you and other people.
Needles used to inject illegal drugs
Needles used to inject illegal drugs will heighten the risk that they will pass on infections as above.
Signs of Sharps and Needle Use
You will not always see a needle on the ground and therefore be unaware that potential sharps may be present. There are however some tell-tale signs to look for, if you see any of these signs it’s time to give us a call and enquire about our sharps removal & disposal service:
Orange needle ‘caps’ – These are small orange, cylindrical caps that are up to 1cm long and up to 5mm across. These are a sign that the actual discarded needle will be close by.
Aluminium foil wraps or small metal spoons – Used to mix and prepare mainly heroin these show that drug activity is in the vicinity. Caution should be taken and experts called in.
Small clear bags/cellophane – Often the packaging in which the drug is carried and traded. Again this in conjunction with the above is a very strong sign of drug use in that area.
How we deal with your sharps waste?
All used needles and other sharps will be collected and contained in a rigid box with a lid, these boxes are designed for the purpose of sharps removal.
These boxes are called sharps bins, sharps disposal boxes or sharps containers.
All collections carried out by ClearJunk are completed by our well trained specialist clearance staff who have many years of experience when dealing with a number of nasty waste types.
We tend to find that many of our clients who manage multiple properties have occasional problems with needles being discarded both in empty buildings, and even worse, in occupied buildings. Whether part of a void clearance, fly tipped rubbish clearance or a flat / house clearance, old needles lying around present a clear risk to anyone who may come into contact with them.
Our needle disposal service serves to reduce this risk by removing any needles / sharps from any premises. With our fully trained sharps teams, our Needle collection service follows all HSE guidelines and all necessary risk assessments are carried out, to ensure our customers receive the service they require.
Call now on 0800 4480183 for more information on our needle and sharps clearance service or to obtain a free quotation.